简介:Van Johnson plays a blind American writer who is renting an apartment on Baker Street while in London for the opening of his new play. After a row with his former fiancée (Vera Miles), he decamps to the local pub to drown his self-pity with a drink. There, his acute hearing picks up hushed snatches of conversation from the next booth. Convinced that a kidnap plot is in the offing, he rushes to the police, who are polite but refuse to believe him. However, Johnson knows what he heard is true and engages the help of Vera and Cecil Parker, his secretary, to find the kidnappers and save the unknown victim.This terrific suspense film takes interesting chances with the genre. Johnson's character is a study in frustration, a portrait of a man investigating something he knows exists but cannot see. The direction builds tension well and is supported by a fine musical background which heightens the mood.23 Paces to Baker Street was one of several 20th Century-Fox films shot on location in London to take advantage of Fox's "frozen funds" -- money earned by the studio in England which by law could only be spent in that country.
简介:故事发生在阳光普照的得克萨斯州,比克(洛克·哈德森 Rock Hudson 饰)是成长和生活在那里的一名牧场主人,德州和煦的阳光将他的性格也照耀得温厚而老实。东部来的漂亮女人莱斯利(伊丽莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)吸引了比克的目光,常年生活在西部的他从未见过像她一样的女人,很快,两人就坠入了情网之中,并且最终携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,就这样,莱斯利成为了农场的女主人。 杰特(詹姆斯·迪恩 James Dean 饰)是在比克农场里打工的长工,一次偶然的机会里,他获得了一块可以自行开垦的荒地。哪知道杰特走了大运,在这块地的地底下竟然埋藏着价值连城的石油,杰特一夜暴富。